UFO can be a threat to humans?

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Former director of a secret US program has recently claimed the attention of the impacts that may occur related to UFOs.
UFO can be a threat to humans?

It’s undeniable that the United States is home to a wealth of information regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

However, UFO sightings are also reported around the world and many observations in remote locations describe the objects as being unusually similar, said Luis Elizondo, former head of an agency. US secret is tasked with investigating UFOs, recently said.

UFO until now is still understood as the concept of unidentified flying objects related to alien spacecraft. It is likely that they represent technology developed by a hostile human resource, so it cannot be said with certainty that UFOs are harmless.

As a result, the as‌sessment of potential threats posed by UFOs requires the cooperation of worldwide leaders, Elizondo, who left the Pentagon in 2017 and is currently the director of global security and special programs at To the Stars Academy of Science and Arts, a private agency that pursues UFO evidence.

"I think we are at a time when it is beyond the reasonable doubt that these things exist. We know they are there, we have some of the greatest technology in the world that has confirmed the But where did these objects come from, what are their abilities and who sent them? "Elizondo emphasized in the second season of the series" Investigating UFOs inside the United States. "

In the new part of the program, Elizondo and Chris Mellon, former as‌sistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, together explained witnesses and other clues about the inexplicable phenomena of the military and civilians.

The US government has been collecting reports about these mysterious objects since the 1950s in the Air Force’s Secret Green Book Project, from 1952 to 1969, and through the National Commission on Aerial Investigation. (NICAP), a federal agency that compiles witness information about UFO encounters from the 1950s to the 1980s.

The "Secret Green Book" project has investigated more than 12,000 reports of UFO sightings. Most of it turned out to be misidentified planes, weather balloons, clouds or starlight, but 700 other incidents or encounters were still unresolved.

"There is something in our sky and we don’t know what it is. We don’t know where it comes from either. Is that a problem? From a national security perspective, it’s a "We need to understand what these things are, to make a decision if they are a real threat."

Elizondo is also known as a former military intelligence officer, who led the Pentagon’s Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), established in 2007 to explore reports of Unexplained aerial sighting and was reported in 2012.

As with the Secret Green Book project, some UFO cases of AATIP are misidentified or malfunctioned but some UFOs have yet to be identified. Over time, the involvement of many agencies made Elizondo realize that the bureaucracy of the system made the public suspicious and confidential about UFOs, downplaying the risks they might pose. .

"That’s really what made me resign," Elizondo said of the reason for her resignation.

Many UFO sightings investigated by AATIP have been recorded by members of the military in restricted airspace. Among them are three air encounters that US Navy pilots recorded on video in 2004 and 2015. The footage was officially decoded and released online on April 27. .

There are no visible winged objects or other means of propulsion. Moreover, they seem to be performing operations that can cause c to be under 700 times the force of gravity or 700 Gs. Of course, there is no way to confirm those estimates, since the view is very fleeting and most documents are clearly not available. The fact that the cockpit can only withstand about 18 Gs before cracking and normal people can endure only a few seconds at 9 Gs before losing consciousness.

"I hope that we can find solutions for these things. If you can show me a technology that mankind has ever been able to build, that’s great. But for To date, no one has been able to point it out, either to me or anyone in the US government, ”Elizondo commented.

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