The first steps of the tiny elephant on the ground

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The clip below shows the moment when a tiny elephant takes the first toddler steps in life.
The first steps of the tiny elephant on the ground

The first steps of the tiny elephant on the ground

The video was taken at Mwinilunga Safaris sightseeing area in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Caroline Deschuymere, a wildlife photographer from Belgium, recorded this cute clip. The baby elephant hesitated and faltered the first steps, trying to balance on his feet but inevitably staggering.

Photographer Caroline paid attention to her mother, from the time she was about to give birth, and promptly recorded the baby’s first steps. In the cute clip you can see the baby elephant "squirming" the coc‌k and tail while trying to balance on his legs. The mother elephant steps forward while the baby elephant makes every effort to follow the mother.

Despite difficulties, she eventually learned to walk and keep up with her mother. Photographer Caroline said that the baby elephant had to try for more than an hour to learn how to walk. That amazing scene impressed the photographer and recorded it through his lens.

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