Sheep dominate the cloud island in the middle of the Atlantic

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Litla Dimun Island (Faroe Islands, Denmark) is famous when it often appears clouds hovering above, looking away like a person wearing a hat.
Sheep dominate the cloud island in the middle of the Atlantic

Litla Dimun is the smallest of the 18 islands of the Faroe Islands, east of Suoroy Island in the North Atlantic. Litla Dimun owns a modest area, only 0.82 km2 and is the only island of the Faroe Islands uninhabited. 

Basically, this island is nothing more noticeable than the cloud that often hangs overhead. If you stand from afar, you can see that it looks like Litla Dimun is wearing a floating cloud hat. Photo: Getty.

According to Atlas Obscura , Litla Dimun’s "hat" is a lens cloud. This cloud forms when moist air moves over the top of the mountain, creating "oscillating waves". This causes the overflow air to evaporate. The characteristic of a lens cloud is to stand still, no matter how strong the wind, creating an image like a "mighty little hat". However, the clouds in Litla Dimun sometimes expand, swept into the mountainside and then drifted straight down to the cold sea. Photo: Tendo Mag.

Litla Dimun is uninhabited but is "dominated" by sheep. Initially, the island’s "owner" was a black-tailed wild sheep. Researchers believe that they are descendants of the first animals brought to the island during the Neolithic period. However, this rare sheep became extinct in the 1800s due to excessive hunting. Since then, the island was "taken over" by the sheep of the Faroe islanders. Photo: Skit.

In the summer, the people of Hvalba (Suouroy Island) bring sheep to graze on the pasture and bring them back to the winter. Therefore, if you come to Litla Dimun on the right occasion, you will encounter about 300 sheep and some sea birds, the only creatures living on the island. Photo: Hvalba.

Faroe travel site said visitors can only visit the island on days with good weather. However, this rarely happens. Besides, visitors who want to access the island also have to use the ropes people leave to climb the cliffs. Photo: The Places I Have Been.

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